Grove - Wrapperis a kind of wrapper to fix and protect Grove modules. It will save you a lot of work on aligning your modules and it will easy for you to show your project. For example it will simpler to take pictures for showing your product on the Internet and it will give a clear and clean scene if you use Grove - Wrapper to demo your project. What is more it is expandable for Lego mechanical parts and so on this will introduce flavor into your work and make your project adapt to various circumstances. The mechanical design of Grove - Wrapper also make it easy to assemble and disassemble modules.
Notethat around 85% of all Grove modules are supported by Grove - Wrapper.
Notethat Grove - Wrapper series have two size of wrappers each gets four colors and there are totally eight SKUs that are listed atSpecificationssection.



Dimension(big one) 50 × 25 × 13 mm
Plane dimension(small one) 25 ×25 × 13 mm
Material ABS
Color Blue green yellow and red for both sizes for wrapper.

Different type of wrapper and corresponding SKU

Product name


Grove - Red Wrapper 1*1(4 PCS pack) 110070020
Grove - Yellow Wrapper 1*1(4 PCS pack) 110070021
Grove - Blue Wrapper 1*1(4 PCS pack) 110070022
Grove - Green Wrapper 1*1(4 PCS pack) 110070023
Grove - Red Wrapper 1*2(4 PCS pack) 110070024
Grove - Yellow Wrapper 1*2(4 PCS pack) 110070025
Grove - Blue Wrapper 1*2(4 PCS pack) 110070026
Grove - Green Wrapper 1*2(4 PCS pack) 110070027


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