
I like big seven-segment displays and I cannot lie! Design a clock timer or counter into your next project using our pretty candy-bar sized 4-digit seven-segment display. These bright crisp displays are good for adding numeric output. Besides the four 7-segments there is a top right dot (perhaps useful as a degrees symbol) and two sets of colon-dots (good for time-based projects).

These are ultra bright 360mcd per segment! Each segment is made of two LEDs in series for even coloring (check the datasheet for a diagram). You can drive these with less current to get the same brightness to save power or crank them up to 20mA and have them really bright.

These displays are multiplexed common-cathode. What that means it that you can use a 74HC595 or just 8 microcontroller pins if you can spare them to control the 8 anodes (7-seg + decimal) at about ~15mA each and then connect NPN transistors or a TPIC6B595 to the cathodes to sink the 8*20mA = ~120mA maximum per digit.

These come in a bright yellow color we also have many other sizes and colors!

Yellow 7-segment clock display - 1.2" digit height (1:50)

Technical Details

  • This is a Common Cathode LED display
  • Dimensions: 120mm x 41mm
  • Datasheet - We currently have LuckyLight as the supplier for this matrix. Previously we carried BetLux.