SODAQ built a next generation Arduino-compatible board that canrecord data and trigger actions in any environment.

We believe you can save yourself a lot of time by being notified of important information. The information you want and need should come to you magically. Having to go to your favorite surf spot to see how strong the wind is or physically measuring how much water there still is in the well nearby your village is a thing of the past.

The Autonomo is a matchbox sized powerhouse which uses thenew Atmel Cortex M0+ 32bit microcontroller. We designed it to be autonomous (self-sufficient) by enabling it to be powered by a smartphone sized solar panel. It will enable you to create devices that will notify you about anything.

The new M0+ processor packs computing power which is comparable to the first Mac. It will make you wonder why you ever used anything else.

Our goal was to create a device which would be able torun indefinitely using solar generated power. Leveraging our years of experience in creating low powered devices the Autonomo has been created to run efficiently and with extremely low power consumption.


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To get started with the Autonomo please visit