Time to build your real-time MIDI instrument/music player! The Music Shield is an audio encoder/decoder compatible with Arduino Seeeduino Seeeduino Mega and Arduino Mega. It is based on the VS1053B chip which enabled it to play sound files from SD card and do short-time recording as well. You can also use it to play MIDI notes by slightly changing its hardware installations. Due to the SPI communication mode it keeps a minimum number of IO port that facilitates users’ own developments of this device. Additionally the new multifunction button provides greater convenience for users to control.
  • Compatible with ArduinoSeeeduino Arduino Mega and Seeeduino Mega
  • New multifunction button
  • Supported music format: MP3WMAWAVAACMIDIOgg Vorbis
  • Supports Micro SD card
  • 3.5mm headphone jack
  • MIDI interface breakout
  • High quality playback
  • Low MIDI Latency
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